Mise à jour le 03 déc. 2022
Environnement Immersif Multisensoriel Réflexif pour la Formation au risque Chimique
Publié le 3 décembre 2022 – Mis à jour le 3 décembre 2022
Projet qui vise à former à la prévention des risques en chimie par la création d’un environnement de réalité virtuelle.
RENFORCE addresses the following scientific objectives and associated expected results:
- Understanding to what extent multisensory stimuli improve learner presence and immersion, through the enhancement of the embodied experience, and how it improves learner performances in chemical risk training. In particular, we aim to provide a model able to qualify and predict the relative contribution of each specific sensory stimulus on presence and immersion and how they interact (such a model may allow, e.g. to balance resources between audio, visual, olfactory and thermal stimuli while limiting costs);
- Understanding how the visualization of behavioral and physiological indicators during and after the embodied experience can improve learner reflexivity to ensure the acquisition of behavioral skills. We aim to analyze multimodal data collected while experiencing the virtual learning situations to identify and evaluate a set of relevant visual indicators. In the VR environment, these indicators will help learners to monitor their behaviors and adjust them in real time. In the debriefing environment they will be a support for learners to go back to the VR experience and reflect on how the skills acquired could be reproduced in similar or other contexts. These reflexive processes will thus allow for the consolidation of the procedural knowledge gained during the embodied experience.
Membres du projet : ECP (UR 4571), LIRIS (UMR 5205, porteur du projet), LIRIS (UMR 5205), INL (UMR 5270). |